The "Store" is no more: Apple's redesigned website streamlines buying

Today Apple went live with a new website designed to improve sales with a more streamlined buying process. Visitors to the site will no longer see the familiar "Store" tab. In fact, the entire "" domain has been scratched. Instead, purchasing buttons and product options are integrated into every page, accompanying product descriptions and comparisons.

Previously, customers have had to jump between the general Apple website and its store, reading product information on one site and switching to the other side of the site to make their purchase. The new browsing experience not only allows visitors to select items to buy while simultaneously studying their product information, but also curates a list of suggested accessories for each product that are incorporated into a single shopping bag that can follow visitors around the site. 

"We redesigned knowing that our customers want to explore, research and shop in one place," said an Apple spokesperson in a statement. "The new takes the very best of our existing site and our online store to give customers one simple destination to learn and buy without navigating between two different sites.

With more than 1 billion customers from 40 countries visiting the site every year, is one of the biggest online retailers in the world. With more and more of these site visits coming from mobile devices every day, it is likely that the website update was made with mobile users in mind. Switching between the general site and the store could feel onerous on phones and tablets, and erasing this hassle makes it more likely customers will follow through on planned purchases. Mobile commerce grew 48 percent{always write out} year-over-year to about $8 billion in the second quarter, three times faster than e-commerce overall, according to data released by comScore and the U.S. Census Bureau. 

In addition to its Apple training and support, MC Services provides website programming services and can help your business with its web needs. Feel free to contact us today for more information. 

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