Teen Hacker Exposes Risk of Poor Website Security

Everyone has had a grade or two that they wish that they could change. How many people actually go to the melodramatic length of breaking into a school and changing the grade them self though? For one New York high school student, doing so wasn't as dramatic as it was tech savvy.

Eric Walstrom is a 16-year-old junior at a Staten Island high school. Despite having poor grades, the student has an apparent technological genius. That intellect enabled him to hack into the database of grades at New Dorp High School. Doing so required him to break past a security encryption meant to keep the grades intact.

"The school teaches you advanced computer programming . . . He used what he learned for evil. He went the malicious way and focused on hacking and manipulation," said class mate Sean Morris, 16, who attended the iD Programming Academy for Teens with Walstrom.

Security risks are an important consideration for any website owner. So much valuable data is stored on websites and exposing that information to risks can compromise the integrity of a business. In order to avoid these digital disasters, businesses should turn to a website programming service that can assure them security.

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