Tablets continue to push into the business world

Earlier this month, Apple announced that they were creating a 128 GB version of the popular iPad. Many experts touted the move as another step toward closing the tablet/PC gap and helping push use of the device even further into the enterprise. However, the Windows 8 Pro tablet has hit the market and while the competition is getting fierce, Apple is still the top dog.

According to Forrester Research's annual survey of nearly 10,000 global employees who use computers to do their jobs at least one hour a day, 32 percent of respondents said they would prefer Windows over iOS or Android. Currently only 2 percent are using a Windows tablet.

The company also predicts that 200 million workers will be lining up to get there hands on the Surface Pro.

Despite this speculation, Apple does not seem concerned. Philip Schiller, senior vice president of worldwide marketing, believes the iPad is already taking hold in the enterprise. His comments in the press release announcing the 128 GB iPad make that much clear.

"With more than 120 million iPads sold, it's clear that customers around the world love their iPads, and everyday they are finding more great reasons to work, learn and play on their iPads rather than their old PCs," Schiller said. "With twice the storage capacity and an unparalleled selection of over 300,000 native iPad apps, enterprises, educators and artists have even more reasons to use iPad for all their business and personal needs."

He added that virtually all of the Fortune 500 and over 85 percent of the Global 500 are using or testing the iPad and a number of mobile applications.

It seems clear that tablet computers are set to play a major part in the future of business. Companies that are looking to get on the bandwagon should partner with an IT consultant that can help with an iPad deployment.

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