‘Smartwatches’ to bring new challenges to business IT departments

A few months ago, the idea of a product that was a cross between a watch and smartphone was purely a science fiction thought. Now, as more reports of an Apple iWatch – as well as other potential products from Google and Samsung – begin to filter out, it could only be a matter of time before IT departments begin to deal with a new set of challenges.

"If these devices are going to touch their networks in any way, shape or form, it has to concern them," IDC mobile device analyst Will Stofega, told CITEWorld. "They have to get involved. Otherwise they're going to be sitting ducks."

In the article, several different industry experts were polled about what they believe the future of the technology could hold. The consensus is that smartwatches will be connected to host devices through Bluetooth.

The short-distance wireless technology is considered easy to setup and use. There is also a security protocol that runs between the two points. However, it is not a completely secure system. It is vulnerable to hacks, denial-of-service attacks and other malicious endeavors.

Once companies start building applications for iOS and Android-powered watches, there are sure to be business apps that employees could start demanding. This increases the number of devices and connections that IT departments need to concern themselves with, as it will likely be a companion piece. It also means additional devices on the company's networks.

While the possibility of a new wireless device in the form of a wrist watch will start making its way into offices sooner rather than later, companies need to be ready for the additional challenges. This is where the help of an IT consulting firm that is familiar with optimizing mobile devices for business can become a valuable resource.

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