Revamped Genius Bar Conveys Importance of Apple Support Services

Waiting in line at the Apple Store is some people's version of a nightmare turned reality. Long wait times can turn a trip to the mall into a headache to compound with the stress that comes from having computer issues. Currently, customers are required to call or visit a store to schedule appointments ahead of time when their devices need cures. To avoid the continuation of these problems, Apple seeks to revamp its in-store technical support.

A new title denotes the significant changes made to the Genius Bar. "Concierge" will be the new name of Apple's support station. The former Burberry CEO is now vice president of Apple's retail division and has designed a new system that will prioritize technical issues for customers to improve the efficiency of this service. Customers will benefit from text updates on available times so that they can circumvent congested stores.

Former Burberry CEO Angela Ahrendts has used her first year on the job to push for innovations such as Concierge to improve customer experience and thus retention in the technology market. Expanding that market to China has also been an accomplishment of her early tenure that paints a bright future for Apple.

The new approach deviates from the deli style first come, first serve system of the present Genius Bar. A new iPad-based app will enable Apple support technicians to rely on the technology to manage customers more effectively. 

The importance of expert technical support is apparent to Apple customers. MC Services provides Apple Support Services so that the long lines at the Genius Bar can become a thing of the past.

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