Outsourcing IT might not help your business


Small and midsize businesses may be attracted to the idea of having their network remotely monitored and managed. Managed services can improve maintenance, security, and efficiency while reducing costs and allowing IT staff to focus on bigger projects. The benefits are pretty straightforward, but there are some risks that are often overlooked. Businesses should take measures to evaluate the risks and prepare employees for the change.


Usually, the benefits of outsourcing include cost savings. However, it has fallen on the list of reasons why companies would go for remote management. They’ve realized that calculating their return on investment in managed services is a difficult feat and are increasingly skeptical of how much it will cost them to outsource.


Many businesses have switched to self-procured cloud solutions. In 2014, 58 percent of respondent companies required outside help with deployment, installation and integration. That number has dropped by 10 percent thus far into 2015, but many are unable to perform the technological aspect of operations internally. As you may have read in our previous post, there are both advantages and downfalls to implementing the cloud in the workplace and it can be an extreme security risk if not handled properly.

Loss of personal touch and control

Outsourcing IT reduces a company’s extent of control over the details of implementation and possible inadequate security protocols. It can also shift the responsibility of all functionality from the in-house IT department to a business manager.

It is also imperative that companies recognize that cybersecurity cannot rest upon antivirus software to do the job of an entire IT department and only use a remote service when there’s a special occurrence. IT is no simple task and depending on the size of your organization, it might not be feasibly performed by a only couple people.

Don’t take a gamble on your security and ensure that your company has the best IT available. Contact MC Services for professional technology consulting and IT training.

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