Make sure your employees aren't threats to your cybersecurity

In the modern business world, there are a seemingly endless threats to any organization's data security. Between ransomware, viruses and hackers alone, there are enough threats to keep any experienced information technology professional on high alert. But despite all of the newer threats to cybersecurity, the largest one might not be what you expect: your own employees.

Keep your eyes out for internal risks
According to Data Breach Today, the security risks posed by employees are often the ones most underestimated. It's fairly common for workers to be given complete control of data centers or put in charge of ensuring a company is compliant with all state and federal regulations. While that may be beneficial for your business overall, it may be problematic in certain cases. In fact, without proper training, a single incident can be disastrous for an entire organization. In the health industry, those issues can be extensive.

Of all of the causes of a data breach, employee negligence is far and away the greatest cause. In fact, according to a study conducted by Baker Hostetler, about 37 percent of data breaches in 2014 occurred as a result of employee negligence while only 22 percent were from external hackers. A monthly cyberthreat awareness newsletter from the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act enforcement agency maintained that the largest cyberattack threats to organizations actually come from insiders within those companies. And although your employees may not intentionally be damaging your cybersecurity, their bad habits may be responsible for cybercriminals gaining access to secure data. 

At MC Services, our certified IT consultants can teach your employees the right ways to handle data. From iOS management and specialized device training to Mac repair, we support businesses looking to work faster, smarter and safer. To learn more, contact us today. 

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