Latest Apple rumors show different paths for new hardware

We have reached the time of year when the aftermath of the Worldwide Developers Conference has started to wrap up and the blogosphere is starting to look for the next big announcement from Apple. The latest rumors show the company is ratcheting up production for two products, but for different reasons.

First off is a reported increase in production for the coming release of the iPhone 5S. An article from CNet, citing Jefferies analyst Peter Misek, said that the company has a goal of making 15 million devices. He added that the device will be available starting in late September.

The other device is gaining focus—but because it is having problems in development. A Business Insider report says that Apple is currently hiring several engineers to help troubleshoot problems the company is experiencing with the creation of the wearable iWatch.

Tim Bradshaw, a reporter from the Financial Times, spoke with several company insiders and found that there are indeed problems. So much so that the project could be put on hold until the end of 2014.

"The company has begun hiring 'aggressively' for the project in recent weeks, say people familiar with Apple's plans for the wearable device, a move that shows it has stepped up development but which raises questions over the ability of its own engineers to develop wearable technology," the article reads.

Once the devices go live, it won't be long before they wind up in offices around the country. With the help of an IT consulting firm that specializes in mobile device integration, any company can successfully deploy the technology.

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