Is an Apple television on the way?

For those who follow the Apple rumor mill, there has been one product that has been "in the works" for several years now but has never moved past being just an idea. That would be a fully integrated television set. While the company already has the Apple TV, which allows users to stream online content, this would be a full television.

That rumor gained a lot of steam recently as it was announced that CableLabs Executive Jean-François Mulé has joined the company in the role of engineering director.  According to his LinkedIn profile, he joined the company last month and will be "challenged, inspired and part of something big."

However, this does not cement that a new television is on the way. During the Goldman Sashs Communacopia conference in New York last week, Liberty Global CEO Mike Fries predicted that a TV set is not in the pipeline for Apple.

"They [Apple] are talking, of course, to cable operators; we understand and we have a good dialogue with them on a number of levels," Fries said. "I don't think they're going to build a TV. They want to be in the interface business. They want essentially get in between cable operators and customers."

Whatever comes out of these hires, it is clear that the excitement level is high when it comes to Apple devices. Companies could have some fun new tools coming down the pipeline and an IT consulting firm that specializes in Mac integration can help any organization implement the latest gadgets.

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