iOs 10 has plenty of benefits for businesses

Most would agree that fans of Apple everywhere have had plenty to get excited about. In early September, the giant technology company released its iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus and a new Apple Watch. But if you thought that a new phone and watch were enough, you're in for a pleasant surprise. Apple has announced that their new operating system – iOS 10 – is ready for download. The new operating system translates across multiple platforms of new and existing Apple devices, including different versions of the iPhone, iPod and iPad for starters. The iOS 10 technology enhances the usability and performance of countless devices in both home and business settings. The new operating system is consistent with the comprehensive updates through all their other devices, signaling Apple's commitment to a more user-friendly design for devices.

Whether you are upgrading your devices and getting new ones that come equipped with iOS 10 or you're downloading the upgrade, there are plenty of new elements you need to know about. Here are five of them:

1. Improved privacy and security

As cyber threats become more and more advanced, the cyber security and privacy settings to your devices must do the same. As such, business leaders in various industries are trying to improve the security of their own business data. Apple's iOS 10 will add another layer of protection to your data. To begin with, the correspondence via iMessage  and FaceTime is encrypted. In addition to messaging, applications such as the Calendar, Contacts, Reminders, and Photos will ask for your explicit permission before accessing location or other personal information. The iOS 10 system is largely considered the most advanced mobile operating system ever developed. Not only is it efficient in its own right, but it is armed to combat the ever-growing threat from hackers. While businesses still need more protection within their internal systems to adequately prevent cyber security issues, iOS 10 is a step in the right direction.

2. The power of automatic transcribing
One trick that the iOS 10 operating system has up its sleeve is the automatic voicemail transcribe feature. Like any technology, the goals of iOS 10 and virtually every other updates for Apple technology is to make life easier for the user. The automatic transcribing feature is the embodiment of that. When you receive a phone call and the caller leaves you a voicemail, iOS 10 can readily transcribe the message into a text format so that it can be read at your convenience. You no longer have to worry about listening to countless messages and making physical notes about whom to call back or not – everything you need will be available to you written out in a text!

3. How about some auto unlock
Apple is outstanding at ensuring that their various products and older devices can connect with each other. The new Auto Unlock function may have successfully taken that concept one step further. To put it simply, you will be able to connect your iOS-capable devices to your Mac computer so that you can sync passwords and private security settings. That means that when you sit down at your desk and unlock the iPhone that's in your pocket, your computer will recognize the unlocked device in the area and automatically unlock itself as well. With such a technology, you'll never have to worry about remembering (and typing in) passwords every time you want access to one of your own devices.

4. Wayfinding function
The iOS 10 operating system allows you to share our location with others. Whether you are traveling domestically or internationally, you may run into that moment where you wonder, "Where am I?" And while it will probably occur at the most inopportune time (on the way to a meeting or conference that you are the keynote speaker), you no longer have to go through the unfortunate ordeal alone. As part of some of the big picture improvements to messaging services, iOS 10 offers users the opportunity to drop their current locations into texts and iMessages. That means that the recipient of your message will immediately know where you are and (hopefully) help you get to where you are going. Just remember to have your Location Services on!

5. Everybody loves improved graphics
With so many improvements to the iPhone and other devices, business leaders across the world can use virtually every application on their smartphones and tablets. This includes everything from viewing PowerPoint presentations to videoconferencing with a client or even creating a spreadsheet on-the-go. In all of these sectors, though, the new iOS 10 operating system delivers powerful graphics that make it easier than ever to see exactly what you are doing. Apple's "Metal" graphics combined with the Retina HD display on iPhone 7s makes Apple devices the clear leader in crystal clear graphics.

For more tips on how to get the most out of your Apple IT environment, contact MC Services today.

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