Google releases Gboard for iOS

How many times have you closed your text or email app to look something up in the middle of a conversation? Whether its the address of the restaurant you're meeting at, the itinerary for your next flight or even the weather, we're used to having information at our fingertips – so much so that switching between a texting app and a web browser is beginning to feel increasingly frustrating and redundant. To solve this problem, Google has introduced Gboard, a new iOS keyboard that allows iPhone users to search for and share information straight from their messaging app.

At first glance, it looks just like any other keyboard. Sporting a clean, white layout with a predictive text feature at the top, it could even pass as Apple's own native keyboard. However, the magic lies behind a small "G" logo in the corner. Users need only tap the logo and type a phrase, and the search will appear within the space of the keyboard, almost like a miniature version of Google's existing mobile app. From there, users can either copy information and paste it into the message, or share the entire result. 

In addition to Web results, Gboard can search through YouTube videos, photos and gifs. You can even use the app to search through your own emoji. Gboard also supports swipe-to-text for those who prefer not to tap out each letter as they text. 

All told, while Google may be one of Apple's biggest competitors in the smartphone market, the search giant's new keyboard helps make the iPhone even more powerful. 

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