Are Apple’s ‘big plans’ just talk?

Earlier this week, this blog covered an internal memo for Apple employees from CEO Tim Cook. The message became major technology news because the executive made reference to the "big plans that customers are going to love" in the new year. Because there was little context to the quote, the speculation ran rampant as to what it could mean. The iWatch? iTV? iCar? Something even crazier?

In the days since the memo hit the internet, no more clarification has been issued. However, a ComputerWorld article pointed out that this is not the first time in recent months that Cook has used language like this and in the past it has amounted to nothing more than words.

For example, during the April first-quarter financial numbers conference call, Cook said essentially the same thing, saying "some really great stuff coming" and "amazing new hardware" would be introduced in the fall and through 2014. While there have been several products brought to market since that announcement, none of them would be considered groundbreaking, and they do not represent a new product line.

"The information content of these [messages] is zero," Ezra Gottheil, analyst with Technology Business Research, told the news source. "Apple doesn't really have to do what people expect. But the commentariat has column inches to fill. They have to talk about something."

However, that doesn't mean that Apple doesn't actually have some game-changers in the pipeline. 2014 is just around the corner and this is the perfect time for organizations to partner with an IT consulting firm that specializes in Mac integration to make sure they are ready for any future products. 

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