Apple Support provides assistance for understanding Siri's new interface

One of Apple's most innovative features became available upon the release of the iPhone 4S. Siri, the automated voice assistant on iPhones, allows users to use their mobile devices in a hands-free manner that improves convenience and safety. As laws throughout the country that are aimed to prevent texting and driving continue to gain popular support, the effectiveness of Siri is crucial to Apple's ability to lessen the use of iPhones by drivers.

Apple has recently unveiled a new Siri website in order to provide users with a more thorough understanding of the voice assistant's abilities. Categories on the site are marked as: At A Glance, Staying in Touch, Getting Organized, Sports, Entertainment, Out and About, Getting Answers, and Tips and Tricks. These sections provide a comprehensive understanding of how to effectively use iPhones hands free without compromising the accuracy of important tasks.

Queries on Siri use are especially important for Apple to consider, especially since their decision to move the voice assistant technology to a new open-source platform. Mesos will offer the back-end support for the current and future versions of Siri. The company unveiled the new platform at an event chaired by the company and Mesos, the platforms designer.

Details about the customized Mesos scheduler that supports Siri's back end were noted at the event:

"[It's] called J.A.R.V.I.S., which is short for Just A Rather Very Intelligent Scheduler. It's named after Tony Stark's intelligent computer assistant in the Iron Man movies (and technically, I'm told, his human butler in the old comic books)." said a release about the new interface.

Whether you're a new Apple user of a familiar one trying to keep track on the company's new innovations, Apple Support services are essential for improving your individual user experience. MC Services provides IT consulting that can help Apple users get the most out of features like Siri.

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