Smart phone, smart watch…smart car? That seems to be the sequence that Apple will follow as it continues to develop new technologies that play key parts in everyday life. The motor vehicle is an essential part of our lives that is one of the few that the company does not have a stake in. That may change very soon according to a Wall Street Journal report.
That report states that Apple has hired experts of the automotive industry to create an electric car. This will allow the company to compete with Tesla, which has usurped the electric car market with its vehicles in the last few years. Among those experts is the CEO of Mercedes-Benz Research and Development division. Apple's apparent determination to compete in the smart car revolution appears earnest.Their ability to diversify their offering has allowed the business to have the global market it has achieved.
The Apple iOS already powers 89 percent of smartphones worldwide. Extending its presence into the automotive industry is one that greatly excites fans of the brand. The vehicle is rumored to have the code name "Titan," signifying the titanic shift it would bring to the automotive industry. By doing so, Apple possesses the ability to provide television, phone, computer and automobile technologies, making the company's presence observable in the home and on the road.
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