Apple ready to acquire Beats

For anyone that follows the technology sector, Apple's reported $3.2 billion acquisition of of Beats has been a bit of a head scratcher. However, it also has a number of experts wondering what the company could have up its sleeve.

A recent article from Forbes answered a few of the quick questions that many consumers and businesses have. These include:

  • Cost? The $3.2 billion price tag is a small figure for Apple
  • Benefits? Provides access to successful market, better influence in certain demographics and quality products
  • Personnel? Jimmy Iovine could become a hidden asset
  • Branding? Beats by Apple becomes a major brand immediately.

The speculation, according to a ZDNet article, is that this acquisition was conducted so Apple can boost its streaming music service. Options like Spotify and Pandora are providing users with new ways to consume their music without downloading tracks through iTunes. As part of the latest operating system overhaul, iTunes Radio was created, but it has yet to take off.

"Possibly most appealing to Apple is Beats Music the company's recently-launched music streaming service," the article reads. "Apple has been rumored to enter the subscription music business for some time and Beats Music would give the company a jump start."

Regardless of how this ultimately plays out, there is a good chance that the company will start to incorporate better speaker and music playing technology into its hardware. While this shouldn't spark a sudden rush by consumers to buy a new computing device, IT departments need to be ready. With the help of an Apple support service, any company will be ahead of the curve when new Apple hardware hits the shelves.

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