Apple combats hackers with first ever automatic OS X update

A security bug known as CVE-2014-9295 was recently discovered that could affect Unix-based operating systems, including Linux and OS X. With the threat of cyber attack on many people's minds these days, Apple decided to push out an automatic software update to prevent any major breaches. This is especially notable because it's the first time that OS X has been updated without asking users' permission first.

The vulnerability was detected in the system's Network Time Protocol (NTP), and Apple stressed that there are no recorded instances of any attacks against Mac users. Spokesman Bill Evans told Reuters that the technology for automatic updates has been in place for two years but hadn't been used until now, and he added that the upgrade was completely seamless and didn't even require the computer to be rebooted.

"Apple's proactive steps to automatically remediate this particular vulnerability shows the need to quickly patch remotely exploitable vulnerabilities," said Tripwire security analyst Ken Westin to CNET. "In this case the update may have been so minor the risk of affecting other applications and processes was minimal."

Software experts at Carnegie Mellon University and the United States Department of Homeland Security revealed the bug's existence on Friday. An NTP breach could potentially allow hackers to remotely take control of a computer, and while that hasn't happened, the reaction from Apple is a testament to the current awareness of computer security among the general populace.

Cyber security is now a concern for companies of all sizes, not just major corporations. Certified professionals can provide the necessary Apple training and support to help businesses ensure that their information remains safe at all times.

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