5 iPhone apps that can help improve your organizational skills


Remaining organized is crucial in the workplace, no matter the industry or profession that you work within. Indeed, as outlined by the Houston Chronicle, organizational skills can be applied in a number of contexts, contingent on the role that you occupy. For example, if you are responsible for other employees you may organize their schedules, assignments and deadlines, as well as being responsible for your own.

While organizational skills come naturally to some, for others practice and even assistance are required to stay on top of a heavy workload. Thankfully, if you feel that your organizational skills need improvement in the workplace, there are now a number of useful apps, available on the iPhone, that can help you. We’ve compiled a quick guide to five of the best:

1. Cozi
Balancing board meetings and endless deadlines in your professional life with your numerous familial obligations can be a strain, to put it mildly. After all, it can be easy to forget your dentist’s appointment or your child’s soccer game when you have a number of work-based obligations. Thankfully, the app Cozi can help. As detailed by Real Simple magazine, Cozi is a platform that enables you to create a calendar that can be used by your entire family. Each person can access the calendar and add their own appointments. So, if for example you are away on a business trip or have a late meeting planned, you can input it into the calendar and even send a reminder to other members of your family, or if your child has a doctor’s appointment you can send a reminder to both yourself and your child. The app is available on the iPhone and Mac computers.

2. Things
Based on the world-renowned productivity paradigm developed by David Allen, Things is a fantastic app that can help you organize and stay on top of your long list of tasks. Things works by prompting you to fill in what you need to achieve and when it needs to be completed by, Mark Harris explained, writing in an article published by Forbes. This includes any number of tasks, big or small, from packing your child’s lunch each day to the 20 page report due on your boss’s desk by the end of the week. The chores can even be organized under sub-headings and in special projects. For example, you may want to create a distinction between one-time work-related project and routine familial obligations. With the information that you have entered, the app will then create a to-do list, which you can use to mark off the tasks when they have been completed. This app doesn’t come cheap, but it could be worth the investment: On the iPhone Things costs $10, while on the Mac it costs considerably more at $50.

3. Track my Life
According to CNBC, Track my Life is a free app for the iPhone that works by monitoring your daily schedule and recording your whereabouts on a constant basis. The purpose of this is to provide you with a comprehensive overview of your day in order to see how and most importantly where you are spending your valuable time. For example, Track my Life may reveal to you that you are spending too long in traffic in the morning, or perhaps enjoy that coffee break a little longer than you should. Knowing this information can then help you plan more effectively going forward, to reduce bad habits and free up more time in your day for work.

4. Way of Life
Building a healthy work life balance is something that many of us strive for but struggle to achieve. Between multiple work projects and other commitments, certain things often have to give, whether that’s an exercise class, getting enough sleep or keeping up with the cleaning at home. This is where Way of Life, a free app available on the iPhone can help, lifestyle website Lifehacker explained. The app allows you to build a list of certain things that you’d like to achieve in a given time period – such as going to the gym more than once a week or answering a certain amount of emails at the office in a day and so on. The app then keeps you focused by providing you with statistical analysis on your performance in terms of meeting the tasks that you have set. With the reminders and insights offered by this app, you’ll soon find that you have more of a balance between your professional and private life.

5. 24me
Do you have multiple responsibilities that need to be remembered on a daily basis? Do you often struggle to remember it all?  If so, the app 24me can help. As reported by Tech Times, this sophisticated platform works by using your calendar, lists and even social media profiles to give you reminders on your phone about crucial project deadlines, work meetings, and anything else that you need to remember, including the small things, such as picking up milk. In other words, this app functions as a digital personal assistant, always on hand to ensure that nothing in your life falls through the cracks. Better still, Tech Times noted that this app is free to download for the iPhone.

Consider MC Services
While these smartphone apps can help you solve you organizational problems, MC Services can help you solve an array of business related problems pertaining to information technology, including technology consulting, web programming and mac repair. For more information on our services, check out our website and be sure to contact us for more information.

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