5 iOS apps you need for holiday shopping

With Thanksgiving right around the corner and winter holidays not far behind, consumers are no doubt preparing for holiday shopping. As retailers and merchants begin to roll out their major sales, it can be easy to get swept up in the raucous and spend too much on gifts for friends and family. Whether you want to complete all of your holiday shopping on a budget or just want to avoid breaking the bank, check out these five iOS apps available to help:

1. Santa's Bag
Available exclusively for Apple users, the free app is great for helping you keep track of what you're getting everyone on your holiday shopping list. In addition, Santa's Bag allows users to connect with friends and family to share wish lists. By sharing your wish list with others, you won't end up with two of the same gifts!

2. Wallaby
The Wallaby app helps users track rewards on their credit cards. Like Santa's Bag, the app is free and can be a significant help when it comes to planning your finances over the holiday season. Depending on which credit cards you use, you could be missing out on a whole lot of rewards points. Wallaby will help make sure you never run into that problem again.

3. Shopkick
As another free app, Shopkick is designed to make the holiday-shopping experience even more fun than it has been in years past. If you're a big fan of browsing gift options before you buy them – in the form of window shopping or virtual perusing – this app is one you'll love. Shopkick users earn rewards in the form of "kicks" when they simply walk through the doors of different shops. If you scan products, you can even earn points and gift cards to retailers such as Sephora, TJ Maxx and Starbucks. The more products you purchase, the more points you will receive. And if you remember to scan your receipts, you'll be up for even more kicks.

4. Hafta Have
This app is another one available exclusively for iOS platforms. If you're a shopper who finds a lot of joy in picking out the perfect gifts long in advance, this app is a must-have for your mobile devices. Hafta Have encourages users to scan barcodes of items they want so they remember what to shop for later. That way, when the item goes on sale somewhere, the app will notify you so you can go purchase it at a discounted price.

5. Draw Names
If you and your friends or family are a part of a Secret Santa this year, try the Draw Names app! Not only is the smartphone app free, but it also comes with an Amazon wish list plugin, which will give your Secret Santa the chance to see exactly what gifts you want over the holidays.

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